
Filemaker mirrorsync
Filemaker mirrorsync

MirrorSync is a handy way to sync FileMaker. Nice!ģ60Works MirrorSync can sync data between FileMaker Server and SQL databases which makes platforms like WordPress, powered by PHP and MySQL, an ideal candidate. MirrorSync is a handy way to sync FileMaker databases on an iPad, iPhone. There is no need to leave FileMaker to check email. 360Works MirrorSync can sync data between FileMaker Server and SQL databases which makes platforms like WordPress, powered by PHP and MySQL, an ideal candidate. One possibility: a new visitor fills out a form, FileMaker gets the info, and a server side script notifies a sales person of the contact through FileMaker. All that is left is to script what needs to be done when changes are made to the WP or FM database.

filemaker mirrorsync

Essentially, it boils down to these steps: - Make sure that each table you want to sync has a primary key, creation timestamp, and modification timestamp. Sync FileMaker to popular platforms like WordPress, Salesforce, Amazon RedShift, and Amazon DynamoDB. This example video shows a quick setup that synchs both ways every second. The MirrorSync integration process is so easy that most developers are able to complete their first successful sync within an hour of installing MirrorSync. MirrorSync can sync just about anything to anything else. One option that works well is using ESS via ODBC, but it requires a lot of setup and a lot of scripting to make it work well. More and more, I have clients wanting to sync data from FileMaker to WordPress, and from WordPress to FileMaker. Sync’s are fast and conflicts in data can be set up and handled the way you prefer. The setup is a bit complex, but once you get it right, it just keeps keeps on running.


I’ve been playing with the free version of MirrorSync to synchronize FileMaker to an iPad/iPhone, and it is a very powerful, fast tool.

Filemaker mirrorsync